What are the Terms and Conditions?
The Terms & Conditions are a complete and exclusive statement of the agreement between you and COPOCO Community Credit Union regarding your COPOCO Community CU Bill Pay service. The Terms & Conditions document contains information about authorization, liability, and limitation issues when using COPOCO Community CU Bill Pay. In the event of a dispute regarding COPOCO Community CU Bill Pay, you agree to resolve the dispute by looking to the Terms & Conditions document.
The Terms & Conditions document provides details about the following items:
- Payments that are prohibited.
- Password and security information.
- Your liability if unauthorized transfers occur.
- Errors or questions about your transactions.
- Situations in which your account information can be disclosed to third parties.
- Charges assessed based on services provided.
- Service transactions that are returned.
- Notification requirements for termination or discontinuation of the service.
- Types of payments and limitations on billers.